Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mark Jackson Fired

Today the Golden State Warriors fired Mark Jackson after a 51-31 season.  This is a team that has been nearly invisible since Chris Mullen retired. They lost to the best Clippers team ever in seven games. Winning in the Western Conference is extremely difficult as evidenced by 5 wins earning the 6 seed. I'm pretty sure the Warrior didn't lose because of Mark Jackson but because they ran into a better team. I think they will regret this move.


  1. Hasn't the issue been that he doesn't get along with higher management and owners, not that he's a poor coach? Obviously he's effective, but this is still a team that is on the rise, and I think the feeling is maybe that this was the best chance they'd have to remove him before his record made him too tough to touch--at this point, they can still bring in a coach of their choosing because he'll be starting in a great spot with young players and a winning team (of course, if their record gets worse, he'll be in trouble). And they can still cut ties with Jackson because he's not yet untouchable. I'm with you in questioning the wisdom, here, but Jackson will land on his feet, and I think the Warriors will, too.

  2. Look for jackson in ny with the knicks. Stupid move i agree. The next guy they bring in is in a tough situation. Lose and the fans will ne clamoring for managements head. Basketball coaches have to be on the shortest leaahes of any of the major sports. Seems like if a player and coach dont get along the coach is fired ( d howard vs stan van gundy) or if managemen vs coach is perfect hes out. Jackson is a great coach he made some bonehead moves with rotations but they matched up well vs the clips.

  3. They are going to hire Steve Kerr in NY. Phil Jackson wants his guy. All I was saying with this post is that they made a mistake. The players liked him. Who the hell cares if ownership likes him if he is winning 51 games in the Western conference. And yes, the Warriors will be fine, but still a stupid move.

  4. He didn't get along with management and so he had to go apparently. I'm surprised Stan Van Gundy hasn't gotten another chance. Hopefully that won't happen to Jackson. I think he deserves at least one more shot.

  5. The guys signing the paychecks care! Though frankly, how often do we sit around and discuss "the smartest owners in sports"?

  6. We discuss the dumbest owners in sports a lot. Ask Steve Kerr in 5 years what he thinks of Dolan if he takes that job. Yikes.

    Ben: I agree regarding Stan van Gundy. Dwight Howard has proven to be a diva and borderline locker room cancer who is not progressing as a player. Van Gundy lost his job primarily because of Howard (and let's not even talk about what happened to van Gundy in Miami). I think the Lakers should hire van Gundy. Won't happen, but a guy can dream.

  7. Warriors contacted van gundy today. I think he is a good coach. Lakers should go after d`antoni. Oh wait.

  8. I think Van Gundy would be an interesting fit in Golden State. I don't know if interesting in a good way or a bad way, but if Jackson rankled Warriors ownership I'm not sure Van Gundy wouldn't end up doing the same.
