Tuesday, May 13, 2014

i dont get it

I might be off base here but im going to gripe about something that has always bothered me.
I HATE when little kids cry when their favorite college team loses. Every single college football game the tv production crew finds this kid who has their face painted, sweatshirt addorned with the teams logo bawling their freaking eyeballs out because the team is losing. Dont get me wrong im a passionate fan, but give me a break kid. Youre ten. Youre parents didnt even graduate from this school. Im sorry your parents live in who the fuck cares town, america and has nothing better to do than t. Root for a college team that happens to be in the pathetic state they raised you.
Its not entirely on the kid. The parents yes you again are largely to blame. Teach your kid that yes sports can be important but please dont cry becauae georgia lost to auburn cry because you climbed a tree nd fell down. Stupid.


  1. I think a lot of kids crying has to do with them not realizing there will be a next year and overall immaturity. I got upset when it was Bobby Hurley's last game at Duke after they lost to a certain team in the NCAA tourney in 1993.

    I am against cameras showing kids crying as an example of the "passion" those kids have. I didn't know better and neither do the kids in those shots seen at games. By the way, my parents thought I was bizarre and never understood why I got upset that it was Hurley's last game. I have never nor will I ever cry at a sporting event. My kids probably won't either...hopefully.

  2. My kid will probably cry about sports. He definitely cries when he doesn't get to wear his Lightning McQueen shirt every day. Of course, he's two, so maybe that isn't the best predictor...

  3. I think it's fine if they cry. I don't remember crying over a loss, but I do remember thinking my team/s was the best, or if not, close to it--it's just a kid's unreality. I think because it's their favorite team, they believe it's the best team, and it's a bit of a shock when that--usually completely naive--faith gets shaken. Good life lesson.

    I do have to agree that I rarely understand the people who are completely rabid about a college team with which they don't have much of an actual connection.

  4. I would even take this a step further. I think it's absolutely ridiculous that kids get trophies for everything they do in sports whether or not they win. Hell, I got a trophy in 6th grade basketball for the most fouls in the season. Kids need to learn how to lose, whether or not it's them or their favorite team.

  5. Losing and not getting your way teaches you a lot. I learned how to lose and not act like a baby after you have lost. For me, I got upset (DAMN YOU JASON KIDD!) because I had no clue that there was life after Bobby Hurley and just understood he wasn't going to play for Duke anymore. I was a wimp.

  6. When i was in san diego there was a movement to make all sports non competitive. No winners. No ties. Pedagogy i think it was called. Kids are weiners yes but it takes a learning curve to get these kids over that hump thats grtting further away from the norm. Sure if a 3 year old cries i get it but once youre past the age of 6 theres really no excuse
