Thursday, April 2, 2015

Athletes I Dislike

Here's my list.  And hopefully my return to actually writing here!

1)  Rick Fox - I hate his face.  Literally.  It's almost visceral.  Ask Jason.  I'm a huge Lakers fan, and I hated Rick Fox.  I can't pinpoint why, so I probably shouldn't hate him, but I do.

2)  DeSean Jackson - The only former Cal athlete Michael Silver won't say nice things about.... Enough said.

3)  Marshawn Lynch - Has everybody forgotten the gun charges a few years back in LA?  Of course they have.  He's the lovable idiot who refuses to talk to the media.  Well, he is an idiot for sure.  Geez.  That's two Cal guys.  I'm turning on my own!

4)  Donovan McNabb - Overrated.  And an attention whore to boot.  All he does is bitch an moan.  This is coming from a guy who loved Syracuse before going to Cal for school.  I loved McNabb... Until he opened his mouth.  Does anybody else remember when he claimed he "bulked up" for the season, but he was really just fat?  The guy was out of shape like Shaquille O'Neal for half his career.  Maybe that was the reason for the injury problems.  Wasted talent...

5)  Mike Bibby - He's not albino, but he's albino, right?  Guy just creeps me out.  He was like a ghost (yeah, I went there) who haunted me every time the Kings played the Lakers.  Okay, I'm going to be honest.  I hated the guy because he was legit and killed the Lakers.

6)  Devean George - Jason can attest to me screaming "Don't let George touch the f-ing ball!"  He was terrible.  Hated that guy.

7)  Eli Manning - Daddy got you out of San Diego.  Congratulations.  Need your pacifier?

Okay, that's all I've got.  I don't really actually hate any of these guys, but this was a fun exercise in irrational visceral responses to nonsense.  Okay, maybe I kinda still hate 1 and 2, but that's it.

1 comment:

  1. mike biddy was a prick. he apparently had to sit in a chair when he was out of the game that was higher than everyone else's . i don't hate carmelo but you brought up the overrated aspect. i have never gotten how he's put on the superstar pillar of nba stardom. dude shoots 30 times a game, doesn't make any players around him better and every team he plays for gets better when he leaves and worse when he's on it. To top it off he doesn't want to sit on the sideline to support his teammates as he recovers from whatever bullshit injury he has because he doesn't want to get injured...what?!?!?
