Sunday, March 22, 2015

athletes i dislike the most

The reasons I dislike the following players range from my own personal feelings on them, the way the media has portrayed them and overall hatred towards here it is:

10. Peyton Manning- I can't stand him. I can't stand this prototypical high school lettermen wearing jock a-hole. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. get so angry just thinking of him.

9. cristiano ronaldo- he's considered the 2nd best player in the world, behind lionel messi, but I don't get it. During last years World Cup, he was terrible. Spent half the match on the pitch because he fell and he plays typical weiner style European Style Soccer. Play in South America and he'd be an average player at best but because he plays "over there" he's a star. I hate you.

8. James Harden- doesn't play defense. Doesn't make his team play better, he's a truly one dimensional player who gets paid millions of dollars despite that fact that his teams never advance in the playoffs. I do like his beard however and i like that he's a pac-12 guy but c'mon when you shoot 30 times a game and get the benefit of the doubt every time you miss a shot in the weak reffed nba but yet you can't defend a guy that makes me dislike you very much.

7. A-Rod- do i even need to explain....?

6. Russell Westbrook- yes he's good. yes hes a box score stuffer but he can not carry a team. he's a good player that when he's a only good player will play like a star but doesn't carry his team. he's like a lot of nba
players...who's one dimensional and that's it.

5. Fans on the "Niners Faithful" Group on Facebook: I am a niners fan. I love them. I don't however like the fans on this facebook page. There probably are fans for every franchise like these dicknoses. Basically if you are critical of a player, coach, signing etc they just call you a bandwagoner or not being "faithful" (whatever the hell that means?) I have gotten into heated arguments with these colossal morons. Hey look my profile pic is of the niners helmet, that makes me more of a fan than you! oh you're right or it means you suck at life and the niners are apparently the only thing you have going for you. get out of here stupids.

4. Notre Dame Fans: Despite not winning shit for almost 3 decades they still brag about how good they used to be!! How every year they have a top 5 recruiting class but despite all those top recruits they still continue to suck at life. Look the landscape of college football has changed. A player can go to Eastern Washington and get just as much exposure as if they donned the stupid gold helmet. I hate rudy. I hate Golden Domes because of Notre Dame. Who's the top player in the NFL that went to notre dame? Their coaches are horrible, the media that covers them are horrible and the only thing that I like about them is their continued run of being completely irrelevant and overrated. When you point these facts out to a fan they shrug it off like you don't know what you're talking about....right.....

3. Every Laker from 2000-2006- yep. every single one of them. coaches, players, assistants, ball boys , videographers, statistians, i hate you all.

2. Tony Stewart: Dude you're like 5 feet tall. Get off your metaphorical high horse and take a step down off the soap box. Your like the reincarnation of Napoleon. Look yes you drive a car in the circle fast pretty well. Congrats. You're also good at being an arrogant snot nosed doucher. Yelling at anyone that's more than an inch taller. He's the asshole at the party that gets drunk and angry and no one likes them being there. He's the guy that shows up at a dinner party with a bottle of wine and when no one opens it takes it with him.

1. Jay Cutler: I hate thinking of Cutler. I hate that he's the highest paid qb. I hate that look he does when he throws his 3rd int of the game. I hate that he yells at his teammates and I hate that his teammates haven't "accidently" missed a block that resulted in a bone breaking sack. I hate when he wins at anything, even if it's winning the "worthless player in the nfl" award. I wish him the worst of luck and the worst luck to any team that decides to pay employ him.

1 comment:

  1. You know, I have a hard time coming up with many athletes that I strongly dislike. I think maybe I just don't get worked up about sports as much as I used to, in part because I don't follow them as closely. Anyway, some thoughts first on your list, then some comments of my own.

    I literally change the channel every time racing comes up, so I have nothing on Tony Stewart (he's a driver, right?). Ronaldo, I have no idea--I probably couldn't tell a great soccer player from a decent one 98% of the time. James Harden and Russell Westbrook--I have no idea, because I pretty much only watch the NBA when the playoffs hit, and if I'm away from my family and looking for something to do. I actually like Peyton; he doesn't seem to take himself too seriously. Football, yes; himself, no. That's a good quality. I actually have a secret soft spot for Jay Cutler, because he just seems like such a petulant, self-satisfied dick who doesn't really care if everyone knows it. That's kind of amusing. I'm trying to figure out if there are any Lakers I could stand...maybe Mike Penberthy. A-Rod I disdain.

    1. Sports talk radio callers. They drive me nuts. So do the hosts. I hate everything about all of it. And I hate people who send me links and want me to listen. You know who you are.

    2. Baseball players who enforce the whole "play the game the right way"/unwritten rules garbage. Chill out. God forbid anybody have fun out there.

    3. Ndamukong Suh. Very good player who just seems to always be up to no good. Dude, you're huge, strong, and fast--beat guys that way, not by spiking them when they're on the ground.

    4. Eli Manning. Whine your way out of SD, be mediocre most of the time, hot-streak your way to two Super Bowls, then suck again. Makes me like Philip Rivers for just shutting up and playing.

    5. Orel Hershiser and Kirk Gibson and Tommy Lasorda. Dodgers suck.
