Friday, April 17, 2015

one and done

I’ve always had an issue about the NBA instituting a rule that a player must wait at least one year before declaring themselves for the NBA  draft is ridiculous. First off, it’s not a safety issue.   Players like Kobe, Lebron, KG among plenty of others have shown that their bodies are NBA ready out of high school. Unlike football which is a minimum of 3 years, which is entirely righteous because there is not a single graduating high school football star that would be able to last more than a drive in the NFL, kickers don’t count.  So is a monetary situation for the players?  Again, there are plenty of players that went from high school to the nba and have done very well and have been very responsible with their fortunes.  Also, there are those who haven’t both that attended college, even graduated, and those that have jumped from high school to the nba. So that’s not it.  The only…only plausible thing that makes sense is that the majority of owners, especially in smaller markets, got burned so badly because the hype around those players were so great but the level of competition was slim, so the teams drafted them, got burned and the franchises were set back. Ok, that makes sense somewhat but drafting isn’t a determined science. There’s no formula.   If it were, every team would be good, every team would have a short rebuilding process. So to the point that kind of makes sense I have several counters to that argument. One, the players that were hyped coming out of high school, are the same ones that are hyped once they play one year of college. Nothing really changes. For every Dejuan Wagner, there’s a Demarcus Cousins. What did they gain by attending the one year in college? Both top 10 players coming out of high school, both top 10 draft picks, 1 is an nba star the other was out of the league in 3 years. Also the hardest part to fathom about this whole thing is why CAN’T the players try to improve their financial status? If they have a unique skill that they can benefit from, shoot do it.  What if I was given the opportunity to have a great job right out of high school, should I be forced to attend at least one year of college before taking it…no. so why should they….

1 comment:

  1. I agree this is a BS rule. I thought it was great when that guy a few years ago signed with a team in China or Europe or whatever--makes more sense than playing college ball for a year for some of these guys. Doesn't the NBA now allow players to move into the D-League without going to college? It's limited as an option, but it's something.
