Saturday, November 22, 2014

Being Faithful

A few months back, I joined a group on facebook called "49ers Faithful." Most of the posts are from "fans" that will just grandize the niners and the players. I am a huge fan but a realistic fan, or any team. I put a post up saying that kaepernick has seem to have regressed this year. His numbers are up to the naked eye, but the intangibles that made him such a viable weapon have seemed to vanish.  Eric this may hurt, but he's single handedly destroyed Green Bay with his legs, this year outside of a few plays that part of his game has decreased dramitically. My post on this groups page was "Kaepernick has overthrown/underthrown/missed a wide open receiver 7 times this game, regression?" I had 53 comments telling me that i'm not faithful, that i'm not a fan, I should leave this group etc etc and it got me thinking...why being a "faithful fan" means I can't criticize a team or a player. Which after calling the people commenting bozo's, shit for brains etc, I had a thought. What am I a fan of? The team? a player? I love Patrick Willis, Gore, Davis but if they left, would I continue to root for them? I would have a hard time saying no. I think with players leaving teams for more money, more publicity and ultimately more exposure, why can't I as a fan, root for players even if they are on a team I ultimately have been "taught" to dislike. I don't like the cowboys, but I'd be hardpressed to say I'm not week in and week out rooting for Demarco Murray and Jason Witten. I used to root against the Packers every single week? Why? Because they always seemed to beat the Niners and Brett Favre was usually the culprit. Now they have a QB who went to a cross town high school in the city I grew up and went to the college I rooted for and is a top 3 or 4 qb in the nfl. Green Bay has Jordy Nelson who went to Texas who I root against every week. So what the hell is going on?? Am I getting soft in my old age? I believe I have an answer. I am not any less faithful because I can hate a player that's on a team I root for. Just as much as I can root/love a player that plays for a team I hate. Just because I cheer on a particular player, does not make me love the team. With players moving all over THEY don't love the name on the front of their jersey, just the name on the back.

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite moments in sports is when a guy who has left your team comes back, and gets received with an ovation when he's introduced. I remember this happening at Giants games, especially.

    The Packers/Rodgers thing has definitely been challenging as a 49ers fan, but most people seem to get it once I explain the Chico/Butte College/Cal connections (and I have to admit, I'll probably go right back to not caring about Green Bay once he is gone).
