Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Adrian Peterson

YAY!!! He's closer to returning to the football field! Glory be to the almighty!!! Peterson he beat the living shit out of his 4 year old son can now get his life back and start playing football again, the sport he loves, and put this incident behind him. Thank heavens!!! Peterson has pleaded guilty to a plea bargain and lesser charge of misdemeanor reckless assault and avoid jail time. Isn't that great?!?! Now that my moral compass has been righted I don't feel guilty inserting him back into my starting fantasy lineup.
He learned his lesson right? He still never said he did anything wrong, just somehow found justification in whipping his kid with a tree branch by saying that was how he was punished when he was younger and he turned out just fine. So perfect! Lets move on, I mean those scars that will permanently be on his childs legs will be a constant reminded of how much his dad, cared and loved him, by spending time with him twice a year, but he he has 3 other kids that he's ignored so he should be happy that his dad at least spent time with him.
While most of us would have been in jail, or facing large fines this great football player earned just south of 5 million doing nothing. Through 9 games his team has bled, sweat, hurt and helped eachother doing their jobs while peterson did nothing. He sat around, doing nothing, probably never giving much thought to why he wasn't on the field, why people are angry with him and why he wasn't in jail. Adrian Peterson essentially got paid 5 million for beating his child, oh excuse me for recklessly assaulting his 4 year old.
While I wish A.P. nothing but the worst of fortunes for his sorry excuse of a human being I am so happy for the fans of the Minnesota Vikings for getting their all-pro player back. So happy you can start rooting for him while he inevitably runs for 100 yards on most sundays again. Have fun.  

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