Thursday, August 28, 2014

Josh Gordon Thoughts

Here are my overall thoughts on the Josh Gordon situation and since goodell came out with a new nfl domestic violence issue...that topic as well. First the Ray Rice Domestic Violence Issue.

1. Goodell came out and said they made a mistake by issuing rice only a two game suspension for punching his wife. They have deservedly gotten a lot of slack and criticism. So with that goodell came out today with the new policy:  a) First offense- 6 game suspension
                        b) second offense-life time ban.

Love it.....if a player hasn't learned after their first case of domestic abuse not to abuse them again they don't deserve to ever get another nfl paycheck...while the common less fortunate population would most likely spend a significant time in jail, these assholes get nothing. they get a fine and *gasp* get suspended for a few games, where any of us would spend time in jail, a restraining order, probation, and a fine. So now people are being critical of this new policy...because it's too harsh...seriously? you abuse your significant other you should not only be banned from the nfl for life but you should also spend the rest of your shitty life in agonizing pain rotten in a prison sneaking heroin into jail in your butt so you don't get murked.

2. Josh Gordon- yes the nfl admitted it screwed up so people need to stop comparing the suspension to ray rices. Gordon was also a repeat offender, not to mention the shitnose gets a dwi while being in alcohol treatment program for ALCOHOL AND DRUGS!!! and yes i get it, weed overall is not as bad as other things. But guess what dipshits. the nfl players union collectively argued for a suspension like this when you mess up multiple times. and boo hoo gordon don't give me your retarded sob story that goodell wasn't able to understand your story and thus reduce the sentence. look bro you have a messed up in college you messed up in the pros. if getting millions of dollars and being one of the 300 people in the world lucky enough to play in the nfl and you aren't able to put your team and family ahead of your own personal shit than you don't deserve ANY CHANCES!!! Take this year, go to rehab, get your life in order and come back better than before. Look no one forced you to drive drunk nor to smoke weed, you did it to yourself so please shut up fans and uniformed morons when  trying to justify your position. that's the problem when arguing with some sports fans...some are just plain stupid as shit...

1 comment:

  1. I think the comparison just comes about because while there is a push to legalize marijuana use, the NFL's punishment remains draconian, especially when compared to the half-assed punishment levied for domestic abuse. I do think the revised penalties for domestic abuse are a hell of a lot better, and a nice sign that Goodell was actually listening to the many people who were pissed off about Rice's light punishment. It will be interesting to see this policy put to work immediately on the Ray McDonald situation in San Francisco.

    All that being said, Josh Gordon did screw himself in this one, knowing full well the policy and the fact that he was on thin ice. Hopefully it's a wakeup call for him.
