Thursday, April 24, 2014


So Michael Pineda was ejected tonight after he was found to have a shit ton of pine tar on his neck, that he later admitted to using so that he wouldn't throw errant pitches not so that he could cheat. first off that's like a steroid user saying he took them so that he could do sodoku puzzles quicker not because he wanted to cheat. But this is my point, the yankees in my opinion have slowly crept to #2 on my worst franchise in professional sports. Yes they have classy players (jeter, riveria- who i used to dislike both players, but the more i watch the more i appreciate both players), but they have continually spent billions of dollars on again sluggers, bad clubhouse guys and generally overrated players (swisher) in the quest for another world series. they have players like a-rod that they decided would be a good idea to give him a 300 million 10 year contract extension only to have him decline so drastically his ass can hardly round the bases anymore. the yanks and their fans have this snotty attitude with this smugness that makes me want to slap an endangered animal right in the nostril. yes. they are the most storied franchise in baseball in baseball if not ever. but holy shit, get over it jerk offs.they did three peat in the late '90's and first title in the new millennium but they did so by outspending the rest of the league almost two fold more than the next franchise. it was also before the rest of baseball figured out "moneyball" and sabermetrics and that spending the most money didn't necessarily guarantee a championship. Every time i see someone wearing a yankees hat and they live 4000 miles away i just laugh....WHY are you a yankees fan? i rooted for them for about a week during the middle of september in 2001 but that was about it. the way they "buy" stars, is so bad for the game. the way a star on a mid market to low market team finishes their arbitration years how many times have we said to ourselves "well the yankees are picking him up." fans are stunned when a player decides to remain with their team (Mauer). I hate the yankees. i hate that they have pinstripes. i wish no player that signs with them luck. i spite every one of them. i hate that they don't allow their players to have facial hair. i might be way off base but i just can't stand this team.

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