Saturday, December 20, 2014

My ballot

I'm about to start getting busy with other things, so in that theoretical parallel universe where I stuck with the journalism career track, leveraged the sports background into a reporting gig, wound up in a position that qualified me to weigh in on these things, and gave me enough credibility that some people actually care about my thoughts, my 2015 Baseball Hall of Fame ballot would be:

Randy Johnson 
Pedro Martinez 
John smoltz
Edgar Martinez 
Craig biggio
Mike piazza
Tim Raines 
Curt schilling
Jeff bagwell 
Mike mussina

Just off: Barry bonds and roger Clemens. Not a priority on this ballot, though if I had more space I'd have no problem voting for them. But I also couldn't vote for one and not the other. Alan trammel is also close, without the complications. 

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