Sunday, December 14, 2014

Bryan Bulaga is not a whale

I tried to post this in the first half, but the website wouldn't let me for some reason.  David Diehl is the color guy for the Packers vs. Bills broadcast, and he has repeatedly called Bryan Bulaga "Bryan Beluga."  Mark Schlereth used to do this a lot.  I haven't heard Diehl say it since the first quarter.  This is how I imagine the conversation with the producers went:

Producer:  "Mr. Diehl, his name is pronounced 'Bulaga'"

Diehl: "That's what I said: Beluga

Producer: "No, no.  'Bu-la-ga'"

Diehl:  "That's what I freaking said! Beluga! Don't make me punch you.

Producer:  "My mistake sir, please just refer to him by his number from now on."  Shakes head.

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