Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Re: Irsay's DU/WI (depending on the state)

Jim Irsay is in a lot of trouble.  There is no doubt about that simple fact.  He is facing felony charges and will be lucky to avoid jail time and has at least a lot of counseling and monitoring in his near future.  But Jim Irsay is not really the subject of this little bit of word vomit.  The real subject is all of the articles out there discussing how the NFL should deal with him following his arrest.  Here are the two camps:

1) Help the man.  He is one of your owners and you need to help him get through this hard time.

2) Discipline the shit out of him.  You can't be seen as weak, Goodell!

I firmly fall on the side of number 2.  What boggles the mind is that anybody espouses number 1 for somebody associated with the NFL.  Roger Goodell has history of levying suspensions shortly following arrests without letting ANY of the legal process play out.  This is fine.  It is a private business and bad publicity can be punished as the commissioner sees fit.  In light of the fact that Goodell has been judge, jury, and executioner just based on arrests, he should lay the hammer down on Irsay and levy a hefty fine and suspension of some sort.  What kind of message does it send to his players that they will be found guilty in the eyes of the commissioner without any assumption of innocence, yet an owner will get help and support rather than discipline and punishment.  Good luck explaining that one!

With all of that said, I'm sure Roger Goodell will offer help while laying down a suspension of some sort.  People are still too angry about the Leonard Little incident (, and lack of severity of the punishment, for Goodell to be able to just sweep this under the rug.

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