Tuesday, August 25, 2015

fall guy

So Chris Carter at the rookie symposium says that nfl players need to find a "fall guy"to have in their entourage to take the blame in case THEY get in trouble...ummm. AND the nfl knew about it and tried to cover it up by keeping it on their website for a year!!!! everyone in the nfl makes money, but holy shit they are the biggest group of clown baby morons out there.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Eli Manning wants what?

Eli Manning wants to be the highest paid player in the NFL.  Enough said.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Go 'Chokes!


That purple flower
Gives us our power

We're so mean
In the yellow and green
We're the Fighting Artichokes!

You think we're a dip
We don't give a rip
We're the Fighting Artichokes!

You come in our garden
We'll finish what you started
We're the Fighting Artichokes!

Okay, so I'm mocking this a bit (I did actually make that up myself--that English degree was good for something!), but this is a real thing at Scottsdale Community College, and there's actually a pretty good story behind it. Apparently in the 1970s, administration was investing money into athletics rather than academics (so say Wikipedia and Campus Explorer), and so the student body voted to adopt the artichoke as mascot and pink and white as colors to embarrass the sports teams. That's pretty hilarious, and a great middle finger to the administrative powers that be. It would be interesting to see some effort like this today, when supporting athletic programs sometimes comes at the expense of what you would usually think is the core purpose of higher education, but I've a feeling people are too apathetic/uncreative/un-cynical about these kinds of directions in higher ed to make it really happen. 

Other schools are pretty ridiculous, too, usually with less justification though sometimes with far more hilarity (I'm looking at you, RISD). But of course Stanfurd's Tree continues to be just stupid.

For good measure, here's two more pictures of Artie the Artichoke:

Scottsdale Community College: Artie the Fighting Artichoke MascotScottsdale Community College: Artie the Fighting Artichoke Mascot

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Level playing field

This topic is a little old, but I've been super busy so im just getting around to it now

      Arizona cardinals just hired the first female coach in the NFL, following the Spurs hire and now Sacramento Kings hire of two female assistant coaches. I do believe this is good and I do believe it's about time but my mindset is: if someone is qualified they are qualified. I don't care if it's a female, male, african american, white, 1 legged, an animal, no legged or an alien. If someone is qualified for a job they should get it. It's cool that these females have finally broken through but I really could care less about it. That might be a little jaded or apathetic but when are we going to stop saying "this was the first time _____"?  Am i wrong to think that way? I paid absolutely zero seconds of my life caring that these coaches were hired, just like i gave zero seconds to male coaches that were hired at similar positions.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Percy Harvin is a Bit Delusional

Percy Harvin feels that his situation in Seattle was bad because the other wide receivers felt threatened by him per this little article: http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000506758/article/percy-harvin-seahawks-wideouts-viewed-me-as-threat.

Percy Harvin is also the proud owner of a career number of 11.5 yards per catch per Pro Football Reference: http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/H/HarvPe00.htm

Having the pleasure of living in the Twin Cities, I am very familiar with the Percy Harvin playing style.  Here goes.  He is really fast, and even more quick.  If you are familiar with Randall Cobb of the Packers, think faster and quicker.  He breaks huge plays on special teams and does great things with the ball in his hands.  So, if Harvin is such a game breaker, why doesn't he have a better YPC average?  The simple answer is that he doesn't get open down the field.  He catches a lot of short balls and relies on play design to get open.  He runs poor routes, which allows defensive backs to keep up with him.  Perhaps his teammates in Seattle were upset that he didn't work harder at route running, and thus took playing time based on talent alone and not actual in-game WR ability.